Yakult, the fermented milk drink in the iconic little bottle, is on a mission to give shoppers a springtime lift, by launching limited edition packaging, which feature Sakura cherry blossoms. – to celebrate the arrival of the cherry blossom season in Japan (the home country of Yakult) and spring. Yakult Sakura limited edition launched on 11 March and runs until mid-May.
Just over 2 million limited edition Yakult Sakura cherry blossom packs are available across the UK and Ireland, in Yakult Original and Yakult Light 7 x 65ml packs. The Yakult limited-edition packs will be supported by digital and PR activity. The activity helps support Yakult’s mission to spread happiness and wellbeing, focuses on the long-awaited arrival of spring and celebrates the positive little things we look forward to.
Yakult has also teamed up with happiness expert Stephanie Davies, to help consumers celebrate the official start of spring in the UK and the International Day of Happiness, both which feel on 20th March.
Tips from Stephanie Davies, Yakult’s happiness expert, include:
– Get outdoors
– Plant summer flowering bulbs
– Pin up bright pictures or browse images of bright days
– Keep a bird feeder by the window
– Have a house picnic
– Put fresh flowers in your home
And more
Hiroaki Yoshimura, MD for Yakult UK & Ireland comments: “In Japan, Sakura cherry blossoms announce the arrival of spring and symbolise the importance of cherishing the beautiful little things in life, such as the warmer weather, lighter mornings and nature coming to life. As spring arrives, we all want to feel happy and healthy and for the growing number of consumers who appreciate the connection between gut health and wellbeing, cherishing the simple things is as easy as taking a moment each day to enjoy a little bottle of Yakult or Yakult Light.”
What is Yakult / Yakult Light?
Yakult was developed over 85 years ago by Japanese scientist Dr Shirota, who selected and cultivated L. casei Shirota, a unique strain of bacteria scientifically proven to reach the gut alive. Every little bottle of Yakult contains at least 20 billion L. casei Shirota. Around the world, over 40 million Yakult products are consumed every day, in 40 countries and regions. There are two Yakult products are available in the UK and Ireland, Yakult Original and Yakult Light – the reduced sugar and fewer calories version, enriched with vitamins D and E.
The limited-edition Yakult original Yakult Light packs will be available in all major supermarkets, online and independents including Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, ASDA, Morrisons and Tesco. For further information, please visit www.yakult.co.uk.